The friend eventually admitted to police that he had created it. Stott said one of the teens charged admitted in interviews with police that he maintained the account and created the rules for it, but he said his friend had originally created it. Soon after school officials were alerted, Fairfax County Police Detective Nickolas Boffi began investigating the case. Files and folders are visible only to those with whom a link has been shared. “The kind of impact these past behaviors have had on these young women is certainly concerning.”ĭropbox is a cloud-based storage service that allows people to store content in folders on multiple computers or devices that will update simultaneously when connected to the Internet. “Such an elaborate operation is mind-boggling,” Saxe said. The size and organization of the Dropbox account, surprised parents and the judge. The Washington Post generally does not name juvenile offenders.Ĭhief Judge Jannine Saxe sentenced them to two days each in the youth jail and required them to do community service and refrain from using social media and the Internet. The two male teenagers pleaded guilty in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court in Fairfax County on Monday to three misdemeanor charges each for distributing obscene material, as part of a deal with prosecutors. Soon, Fairfax police officers were investigating. But in May, a sophomore at the school received the link, and she alerted school officials about the account.

The teenagers, ages 16 and 17, also created elaborate rules for the Dropbox page, which was passed around among teens at the school so they could upload images via a link, the prosecutor said. Compromising photos of 56 McLean High School girls were carefully organized into folders under each of their names on an online file-sharing account maintained by two of their fellow students, the Fairfax County prosecutor’s office said Monday.